My daughter has been, shall we individual starting before she was even born. As she grows the stories she tells are very entertaining and many of my friends and family have said I need to write things she has said and done down. Well, here it is....
Where shall we start? How about when she was born, or was supposed to be born more accurately. Time warp back 9 years.......
So here I am, VERY pregnant with an almost 2 year old running around attending those ever so convenient weekly and bi-weekly OB appointments. At 34 weeks I waddle my way in to the doctor's office stopping at every bathroom along the way. As instructed I climb up on the table and swing my feet up in the stirrups (really not an easy thing to do when you are vaguely aware that your feet are actually still there, after all they haven't been seen in months) and after a few minutes the doctor declares 'If you make it to your due date I'll be amazed.' Dilated 3cm and 25% effaced he said most the work in the first part of labor has been completed. Such wonderful words for a 9 month pregnant woman to hear, yet words that can carry such a curse....
Fast forward one week and here we are again. Frustrated, cranky and feeling like if I sneeze standing up someone better be ready with a catcher's mitt. And guess what, he said it AGAIN! "You will never make it to your due date."
Now, those of you who are unsure if a baby can hear while still in the womb, I guarantee you THEY CAN!!! This little creature was listening to every word that doctor said. Not only was she listening, she was PLANNING. "So, he doesn't think I can wait?? Just watch....." Yep, the challenge was presented and matched. I curse you highly educated doctor of reproductive medicine. You will NEVER match the will of a little girl who is determined to be right no matter the cost or the education of the person who challenges her.
My due date nears, appointments increase in frequency and as I leave every appointment the doctor says "We'll schedule you back in 3 days, but I'm sure you won't make it to the next appointment." 3 days later I waddle my way back into that office and curse the doctor every time he repeats that challenge to my stubborn little bundle.
Finally that last appointment comes, lets schedule an induction.....Appointment is made, registration completed, preparations made. But guess who was listening? Yep, another challenge presented.
We have to be up early the next day, we are due at the hospital by 8am. We are ready for this. Tucking my son in bed I feel the first twinge in my back. That tightening sensation I had been waiting weeks for. Well, we are already registered at the hospital the next day, if we just can wait until midnight to go in we have the paperwork completed. Guess who was listening, again.......
The contractions were getting closer and by 9pm they were 5 minutes apart. Guess what, we need to go in. When I went in to labor with my son the whole process took only 3 hours so we need to go NOW!! calls made, car packed and we make the 30 minute drive into the hospital. We get to the hospital by 10pm, and after sitting for about 30 minutes in pre-admissions they decide I need to be admitted. Okay, now this child has thrown a wrench in EVERYONE's plan. I was pre-registered and ready for admission the following day (1 1/2 hours from now) but with contractions coming every 4 minutes, 4 cm dilation and fully effaced they need to admit me now.
Should be easy, right? Nope. They have to cancel my admission paperwork for the next day (that will start in 1 1/2 hours) and start the whole process again. Those questions I answered 2 days ago, those papers I filled out and signed? Void, all because someone decided to start her entrance earlier than we had scheduled.
45 minutes later, admissions came up with the forms that had to be signed AGAIN, the questions that I need to answer AGAIN (no, my name has not changed in the last 48 hours, I have not moved to another residence and yes, I am STILL PREGNANT!). Finally we finish all the readmission paperwork and have everything set to get settled into a room at 11:45pm. Hmmm, if they had waited 15 minutes more we could have saved half the trees in Northern Michigan.
So here we are, settled in the room and the doctor finally shows up. Guess what, it is not our normal doctor and she announces that our regular doctor will not be in until the morning. He can check in on me when he gets there but in the meantime she will be caring for us. Did you really have to say that out loud? You'll never guess was listening.....
By midnight the contractions were coming stronger and were more painful. I was in back labor. Come on kid, can't you make anything easy? The doctor came in and checked me I was still sitting at a 4 and my water hadn't broken so she recommended an epidural so I could get some rest that night. Ahhhh, relief.
At 8 am I feel a gentle pat on my arm. Our regular doctor has made it. "Well, I'm surprised to see you." Yes I know, I was going to make him famous - the first documented pregnancy that really did last forever. When he checks on my 'progress' he announces "You've made it to 5cm" like that was progress. A whole cm overnight. Yeah, progress. He decides that maybe he should break my water, speed things a little. Sure, lets do it!
So out comes the crochet hook and suddenly the pain REALLY starts. By 10am my legs start shaking and the nurse says 'great, almost there, must be the 7cm shakes!' So she proceeds to check on me, STILL AT 5 CM!!! What was happening??? So here we are, contractions continuing at at about 12 noon I feel a strange flutter/flip. This little devil FINALLY decides to turn over into proper position. I mention something to the nurse. "Oh, I didn't even think to check if she was facing the right way before. If I knew I could have helped her turn." Thanks. A little late now.
From there things went FAST. By 12:45 we had a beautiful, stubborn perfect (sometimes) little girl. She made sure she entered this world in her own sweet time, and on her own terms. We should have known then that life with Katie would be interesting, to say the least.
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