
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Be back soon

Hello to my loyal readers.  I know you are yearning for a new story but alas the forces of nature are plotting against us.

As many of you know (and several experienced) we had quite a snowstorm just recently.  The storm  dropped 22" of heavy, wet snow in about 10 hours.  It knocked out our power and the darned computer just wouldn't turn on without that steady stream of current I typically force feed it.  Rest assured, we have power once again (and I hope those of you who are out STILL 4 days later get power restored soon), but the snow is not the only force of nature that is playing havoc with your 'Katie fix'.

The powerful forces of ice and gravity are also holding you all hostage.  You see, over the weekend (while we had no power) I fell quite hard down an icy hill and really rang my bell.  As a result I am dealing with a concussion that is keeping me from maintaining my normal daily function.

Rest assured, my personal nurse and wonderful, loving, thoughtful sister (yes, I am buttering her up a bit but I do love ya Liz!) checked me over and there is nothing serious that can be addressed medically, it is just a matter of time.  She did give me the advice to ice the affected area, and I informed her that application of ice is exactly what got me here!!!

In the mean time, I am going to wait until I can once again type (without the hunt-n-peck technique) and can think more than one or two words ahead, and I can think without getting a headache before I continue with the tales from my little girl.  In the meantime, be well my peeps.

P.S.  I just ran spell check before posting this - be glad I did!  I have never seen so much yellow on a screen as I just did!

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